Sunday, May 13, 2007


2 of my favorite people DJ EJ and Beckles were in town for some fuuununn times this weekend. The weather was really nice so we went to the Hirschorn (awesome, free, contemporary art museum) and walked around the mall. We also went to a street fair in B-thesda. Lots of free fun and it was so great to see my girls.

Monday, May 7, 2007


In an attempt to spend less money I have started the grapefruit diet. It works like other diets where you just don't eat much. I eat grapefruit because as Brad pointed out, cheap is money, and these suckers are 2 for 3$ and they're huge. Huge pink our kickball team. Good luck today DTB!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

This is just really funny

I know the Constitution has no requirement for the President to be a good dancer, but I propose we amend that. For the good of the nation. Because this video is just embarassing, and we don't need our president to be any more embarrasing than he already is.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Putting my foot in the domestic service industry

So for $25/hr I will clean your apartment and for $35 I may do it with my clothes off. Well if law school doesn't work out, at least I have "other" experience.Step 3: make her open the mop, and thats the way you do it

Brad also struggles with the mop

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Want to look as awesome as Sally? For $10 you too can get a kitchen scissors haircut! I can also do back-alley mani/pedis for $5 each and dye your hair for $10 + the cost of delicious dye. Step right up! You know you want it!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

being poor in property class

This is jennifer expressing her feeling "omg i spent all my money" and me being like me too biatch

Congratulations, the item is yours. Please pay now!

The best part about ebay, is when you impulse buy something and then "win" it, you don't feel like you've won anything. You feel like you got cheated out of something you can't change your mind about and didn't want anyway. So, I am turning off the ebay after these last pair of jeans because as it turns out, I can't take anymore "winning."

Monday, April 9, 2007

Step 1: don't spend $10 on one meal

But that's what I did anyway. I still have $15 for 6 more problem! Shout out to ellen schopler who is my favorite and understands my plight.

Here's me enjoying a beer by the swimming pool...when life was good


so, i'm starting this blog b/c omg I'm out of money, and I need free things to entertain myself with. In fact I have 25$ a week to spend for the rest of the month of april. I thought it would make me feel better to document the experience. And if you haven't heard the song "The Breaks" by Kurtis Blow you should. Because stepping on the breaks is a new theme for my blog and my life. Stay tuned to see what I don't buy next

Look! in my former life I lounged on the couch naked and drunk in the middle of the afternoon--not the poster-child for the worker's party or for economically productive. Good times! PS Sorry no nips, but you get the idea